Quality assuring the panel process
In addition to managing the performance of your panel members, it is important to quality assure the work of your panels.
You may already do this in some way and again, we may be able to help you by:
- offering you an independent check on the quality of your panel process
- observing your panels in action and offering the panel brief verbal feedback at the end of a day
- following up verbal feedback with a clear written report to the client organisation accompanied by a meeting if required, plus telephone and e-mail support
- observing the chair and individuals at work and giving verbal and written feedback
- training your team members to carry out these observations and conduct the process professionally.

The quality assurance process often has strength in its independence and being seen to be independent. You may think that this is where Emphasis on Skills can genuinely add value to your work.
Why not call for an informal chat about any of these assessing or quality issues?